Window Companies Near Me

Window companies near me Scott LA

Due to material shortages and high demand, window installation is taking longer than usual. Please allow 4 – 5 months for your windows to be installed.

Choose installers certified by leading window brands and the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (formerly AAMA). Suitable credentials indicate that they’ve received sufficient education in installation best practices. Read online reviews and request local references.

Casement Windows

With casement windows, homeowners can enjoy unobstructed views and fresh air in their homes. These windows hinge on one side and swing outward like doors with a simple crank handle. They work well in contemporary style homes and are paired with picture windows to create walls of unobstructed views.

They also provide more ventilation options than double- or single-hung windows, which open by sliding sashes vertically up and down. They’re a good choice for those with small spaces that need natural light and hard-to-reach areas that require ventilation.

Many window companies offer a wide range of casement windows in wood, aluminum, and vinyl materials. Look for ENERGY STAR certified windows for superior energy efficiency and lower utility bills. These are tested to meet rigorous standards and include Argon gas in their insulation to prevent energy loss.

Sliding Windows

Sliding windows are simple to operate and offer a more traditional look. Also called gliding windows, they are ideal for wider window openings and are easy to open and close. They do not require a crank or mechanical parts to operate, and they offer a tight seal that helps you stay energy efficient.

Stanek sliding windows are available in a two-lite configuration with sashes that slide left or right and in a three-lite configuration with a fixed picture window in the center and sashes on both sides. They are ENERGY STAR certified and come with a variety of warranty options.

Over time, slider windows may need a little more maintenance than other window types. Their track is prone to dirt and dust, so you will need to clean them more often.

Wood Windows

Wood windows have a timeless elegance that adds to the appeal of any home. They are available in a wide range of styles and colors to suit any taste and style. They also offer superior energy efficiency compared to other types of window frames.

Unlike aluminum or vinyl, wooden frames expand and contract less in response to changes in temperature. They can also be painted and stained to create a custom look that complements your home’s architectural style.

You can customize your wooden windows even more by choosing between-the-glass grille patterns. Choose a traditional pattern that matches your home’s aesthetic or go for something more unique. To lower maintenance, consider fitting the exposed exterior of your wood windows with aluminum cladding. This is a popular choice for homes in warmer climates.

ENERGY STAR Certified Windows

ENERGY STAR certified windows are a great way to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint. Unlike conventional windows, these windows are designed to fit your region’s climate, providing superior energy savings and comfort. ENERGY STAR certifications are available for both single- and double-hung windows.

These windows meet stringent energy efficiency criteria set by the EPA. They minimize heat transfer and air leakage to save energy and money. They also feature quality frame materials, multiple panes, low-emissivity glass, and argon gas fill to improve energy performance.

ENERGY STAR windows provide an average of 10% energy savings when installed in place of traditional single-pane windows. Savings vary by product type, installation method, home characteristics, local climate and conditions, utility rates, and other factors. The ENERGY STAR label is an internationally recognized symbol of high energy efficiency.

AAMA Certified Windows

The AAMA Product Certification program is the first third-party testing and quality assurance program for windows, doors and skylights. It sets rigorous standards for air leakage, water penetration and forced entry resistance. It also includes two surprise inspections of manufacturing plants each year to offer additional peace of mind.

Window companies in Scott LA that carry AAMA certified windows are held to strict performance standards. They are the most trusted choice for homeowners looking for high-quality and energy-efficient windows.

Look for the AAMA Gold Label when shopping for windows. The Gold Label indicates that the window has passed basic requirements for structural, air, and water performance. This includes meeting minimum thresholds for wind resistance and moisture condensation resistance. These are crucial factors for reducing energy bills and maintaining a comfortable living space.